
id text author
id26305 This process, however, afforded me no means of ascertaining the dimensions of my dungeon; as I might make its circuit, and return to the point whence I set out, without being aware of the fact; so perfectly uniform seemed the wall. EAP
id17569 It never once occurred to me that the fumbling might be a mere mistake. HPL
id11008 In his left hand was a gold snuff box, from which, as he capered down the hill, cutting all manner of fantastic steps, he took snuff incessantly with an air of the greatest possible self satisfaction. EAP
id27763 How lovely is spring As we looked from Windsor Terrace on the sixteen fertile counties spread beneath, speckled by happy cottages and wealthier towns, all looked as in former years, heart cheering and fair. MWS
id12958 Finding nothing else, not even gold, the Superintendent abandoned his attempts; but a perplexed look occasionally steals over his countenance as he sits thinking at his desk. HPL
id22965 A youth passed in solitude, my best years spent under your gentle and feminine fosterage, has so refined the groundwork of my character that I cannot overcome an intense distaste to the usual brutality exercised on board ship: I have never believed it to be necessary, and when I heard of a mariner equally noted for his kindliness of heart and the respect and obedience paid to him by his crew, I felt myself peculiarly fortunate in being able to secure his services. MWS
id09674 The astronomer, perhaps, at this point, took refuge in the suggestion of non luminosity; and here analogy was suddenly let fall. EAP
id13515 The surcingle hung in ribands from my body. EAP
id19322 I knew that you could not say to yourself 'stereotomy' without being brought to think of atomies, and thus of the theories of Epicurus; and since, when we discussed this subject not very long ago, I mentioned to you how singularly, yet with how little notice, the vague guesses of that noble Greek had met with confirmation in the late nebular cosmogony, I felt that you could not avoid casting your eyes upward to the great nebula in Orion, and I certainly expected that you would do so. EAP
id00912 I confess that neither the structure of languages, nor the code of governments, nor the politics of various states possessed attractions for me. MWS
id16737 He shall find that I can feel my injuries; he shall learn to dread my revenge" A few days after he arrived. MWS
id16607 Here we barricaded ourselves, and, for the present were secure. EAP
id19764 Herbert West needed fresh bodies because his life work was the reanimation of the dead. HPL
id18886 The farm like grounds extended back very deeply up the hill, almost to Wheaton Street. HPL
id17189 But a glance will show the fallacy of this idea. EAP
id12799 He had escaped me, and I must commence a destructive and almost endless journey across the mountainous ices of the ocean, amidst cold that few of the inhabitants could long endure and which I, the native of a genial and sunny climate, could not hope to survive. MWS
id08441 To these speeches they gave, of course, their own interpretation; fancying, no doubt, that at all events I should come into possession of vast quantities of ready money; and provided I paid them all I owed, and a trifle more, in consideration of their services, I dare say they cared very little what became of either my soul or my carcass. EAP
id13117 Her native sprightliness needed no undue excitement, and her placid heart reposed contented on my love, the well being of her children, and the beauty of surrounding nature. MWS
id14862 I even went so far as to speak of a slightly hectic cough with which, at one time, I had been troubled of a chronic rheumatism of a twinge of hereditary gout and, in conclusion, of the disagreeable and inconvenient, but hitherto carefully concealed, weakness of my eyes. EAP
id20836 His facial aspect, too, was remarkable for its maturity; for though he shared his mother's and grandfather's chinlessness, his firm and precociously shaped nose united with the expression of his large, dark, almost Latin eyes to give him an air of quasi adulthood and well nigh preternatural intelligence. HPL
id11411 Now the net work was not permanently fastened to the hoop, but attached by a series of running loops or nooses. EAP
id08075 It was not that the sounds were hideous, for they were not; but that they held vibrations suggesting nothing on this globe of earth, and that at certain intervals they assumed a symphonic quality which I could hardly conceive as produced by one player. HPL
id18925 On every hand was a wilderness of balconies, of verandas, of minarets, of shrines, and fantastically carved oriels. EAP
id19925 With how deep a spirit of wonder and perplexity was I wont to regard him from our remote pew in the gallery, as, with step solemn and slow, he ascended the pulpit This reverend man, with countenance so demurely benign, with robes so glossy and so clerically flowing, with wig so minutely powdered, so rigid and so vast, could this be he who, of late, with sour visage, and in snuffy habiliments, administered, ferule in hand, the Draconian laws of the academy? EAP
id01704 These bizarre attempts at explanation were followed by others equally bizarre. EAP
id10125 For many prodigies and signs had taken place, and far and wide, over sea and land, the black wings of the Pestilence were spread abroad. EAP
id02448 All that as yet can fairly be said to be known is, that 'Pure gold can be made at will, and very readily from lead in connection with certain other substances, in kind and in proportions, unknown.' Speculation, of course, is busy as to the immediate and ultimate results of this discovery a discovery which few thinking persons will hesitate in referring to an increased interest in the matter of gold generally, by the late developments in California; and this reflection brings us inevitably to another the exceeding inopportuneness of Von Kempelen's analysis. EAP
id23451 I seemed to be upon the verge of comprehension without power to comprehend men, at times, find themselves upon the brink of remembrance without being able, in the end, to remember. EAP
id27907 Our compasses, depth gauges, and other delicate instruments were ruined; so that henceforth our only reckoning would be guesswork, based on our watches, the calendar, and our apparent drift as judged by any objects we might spy through the portholes or from the conning tower. HPL
id08121 This the young warriors took back with them to Sarnath as a symbol of conquest over the old gods and beings of Ib, and a sign of leadership in Mnar. HPL
id15222 Meantime the whole Paradise of Arnheim bursts upon the view. EAP
id00764 I was rich and young, and had a guardian appointed for me; and all about me would act as if I were one of their great society, while I must keep the secret that I really was cut off from them for ever. MWS
id00683 We could make out little by the dim light, but they seemed to contain prophecies, detailed relations of events but lately passed; names, now well known, but of modern date; and often exclamations of exultation or woe, of victory or defeat, were traced on their thin scant pages. MWS
id11733 Even now They talked in Their tombs. HPL
id03205 Sheehan especially did they ply with inquiries, yet without eliciting any information of value concerning Old Bugs. HPL
id01948 He cried aloud once, and a little later gave a gasp that was more terrible than a cry. HPL
id22412 The old tracks crossed River Street at grade, and at once veered off into a region increasingly rural and with less and less of Innsmouth's abhorrent fishy odour. HPL
id05258 His soul overflowed with ardent affections, and his friendship was of that devoted and wondrous nature that the world minded teach us to look for only in the imagination. MWS
id00144 After the first start, he replaced the tissue wrapping around the portrait, as if to shield it from the sordidness of the place. HPL
id19576 "The present peculiar condition of affairs at court, and especially of those intrigues in which D is known to be involved, would render the instant availability of the document its susceptibility of being produced at a moment's notice a point of nearly equal importance with its possession." EAP
id01577 Wilbur's growth was indeed phenomenal, for within three months of his birth he had attained a size and muscular power not usually found in infants under a full year of age. HPL
id01651 Pausing, I succeeded with difficulty in raising it, whereupon there was revealed a black aperture, exhaling noxious fumes which caused my torch to sputter, and disclosing in the unsteady glare the top of a flight of stone steps. HPL
id27080 It was all mud an' water, an' the sky was dark, an' the rain was wipin' aout all tracks abaout as fast as could be; but beginnin' at the glen maouth, whar the trees had moved, they was still some o' them awful prints big as bar'ls like he seen Monday." HPL
id20751 The visits of Merrival to Windsor, before frequent, had suddenly ceased. MWS
id21136 It is not to be supposed, however, that the great Underduk suffered this impertinence on the part of the little old man to pass off with impunity. EAP
id10279 I need not tell you how sceptical I have hitherto been on the topic of the soul's immortality. EAP
id12683 I often compared myself to them, and finding that my chief superiority consisted in power, I soon persuaded myself that it was in power only that I was inferior to the chiefest potentates of the earth. MWS
id19180 And the children's children, and the newcomers' children, grew up. HPL
id02236 Dr. Johnson, as I beheld him, was a full, pursy Man, very ill drest, and of slovenly Aspect. HPL
id11523 Presently the murmur of water fell gently upon my ear and in a few moments afterward, as I turned with the road somewhat more abruptly than hitherto, I became aware that a building of some kind lay at the foot of a gentle declivity just before me. EAP
id22530 Ellison was remarkable in the continuous profusion of good gifts lavished upon him by fortune. EAP
id22197 I still continued in the plane of the elipse, but made little progress to the eastward. EAP
id24941 It was useless to provide many things, for we should find abundant provision in every town. MWS
id15218 They fly quickly over the snow in their sledges; the motion is pleasant, and, in my opinion, far more agreeable than that of an English stagecoach. MWS
id02164 I pointed to the spot where he had disappeared, and we followed the track with boats; nets were cast, but in vain. MWS
id17654 I have indistinct recollections of a great storm some time after I reached the boat; at any rate, I know that I heard peals of thunder and other tones which Nature utters only in her wildest moods. HPL
id20824 There had seemed to be no one in the courtyard below, and I hoped there would be a chance to get away before the spreading of a general alarm. HPL
id21164 Mein Gott do you take me vor a shicken?" "No oh no" I replied, much alarmed, "you are no chicken certainly not." EAP
id08820 Perpetual fear had jaundiced his complexion, and shrivelled his whole person. MWS
id17407 The sun set; the atmosphere grew dim and the evening star no longer shone companionless. MWS
id05166 The rain ceased; the clouds sunk behind the horizon; it was now evening, and the sun descended swiftly the western sky. MWS
id07779 Nothing, however, occurred except some hill noises; and when the day came there were many who hoped that the new horror had gone as swiftly as it had come. HPL
id14749 The state rooms were sufficiently roomy, and each had two berths, one above the other. EAP
id10634 It was getting dark, and the ancient roofs and chimney pots outside looked very queer through the bull's eye window panes. HPL
id03555 They were marched to various parts of the southern counties, quartered in deserted villages, a part were sent back to their own island, while the season of winter so far revived our energy, that the passes of the country were defended, and any increase of numbers prohibited. MWS
id26727 We suffered no little from cold, and the dampness of the atmosphere was most unpleasant; but the ample space in the car enabled us to lie down, and by means of cloaks and a few blankets, we did sufficiently well. EAP
id06312 I dared, I conquered them all, till now I have sold myself to death, with the sole condition that thou shouldst follow me Fire, and war, and plague, unite for thy destruction O my Raymond, there is no safety for thee" With an heavy heart I listened to the changes of her delirium; I made her a bed of cloaks; her violence decreased and a clammy dew stood on her brow as the paleness of death succeeded to the crimson of fever, I placed her on the cloaks. MWS
id24464 Again he seemed to be in the interior of a house an old house, apparently but the details and inhabitants were constantly changing, and he could never be certain of the faces or the furniture, or even of the room itself, since doors and windows seemed in just as great a state of flux as the more presumably mobile objects. HPL
id18006 This gentleman was clothed from head to foot in a richly embroidered black silk velvet pall, wrapped negligently around his form after the fashion of a Spanish cloak. EAP
id04459 The pigeons appeared distressed in the extreme, and struggled to escape; while the cat mewed piteously, and, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, staggered to and fro in the car as if under the influence of poison. EAP
id06749 "And what about the window panes?" "They were all gone. HPL
id11062 I panted I gasped for breath There could be no doubt of the design of my tormentors oh most unrelenting oh most demoniac of men I shrank from the glowing metal to the centre of the cell. EAP
id01571 With great difficulty I gained my feet, and looking dizzily around, was, at first, struck with the idea of our being among breakers; so terrific, beyond the wildest imagination, was the whirlpool of mountainous and foaming ocean within which we were engulfed. EAP
id03152 The next morning I delivered my letters of introduction and paid a visit to some of the principal professors. MWS
id06412 Nor did Raymond make an end without drawing in vivid and glowing colours, the splendour of a kingdom, in opposition to the commercial spirit of republicanism. MWS
id10155 How this celebrated Magazine can sustain its evidently tremendous expenses, is more than we can understand. EAP
id24823 In a week or two it had visibly faded, and in the course of a few months it was hardly discernible with the naked eye." HPL
id06377 The stranger learned about twenty words at the first lesson; most of them, indeed, were those which I had before understood, but I profited by the others. MWS
id01222 Each people looked on the coming struggle as that which would be to a great degree decisive; as, in case of victory, the next step would be the siege of Constantinople by the Greeks. MWS
id10142 "But could not the cavity be detected by sounding?" EAP
id08521 My lieutenant, for instance, is a man of wonderful courage and enterprise; he is madly desirous of glory, or rather, to word my phrase more characteristically, of advancement in his profession. MWS
id13267 Within twenty four hours that machine near the table will generate waves acting on unrecognised sense organs that exist in us as atrophied or rudimentary vestiges. HPL
id06001 "Everybody got aout o' the idee o' dyin' excep' in canoe wars with the other islanders, or as sacrifices to the sea gods daown below, or from snake bite or plague or sharp gallopin' ailments or somethin' afore they cud take to the water but simply looked forrad to a kind o' change that wa'n't a bit horrible arter a while. HPL
id22877 The lips were of the usual marble pallor. EAP
id02647 "That is absolutely needless," replied G . EAP
id10154 Ahead lay sparse grass and scrub blueberry bushes, and beyond them the naked rock of the crag and the thin peak of the dreaded grey cottage. HPL
id22605 To be near him, to be loved by him, to feel him again her own, was the limit of her desires. MWS
id18034 The sky was serene; and, as I was unable to rest, I resolved to visit the spot where my poor William had been murdered. MWS
id27266 I say "thing" be it observed for they tell me the Latin for it is rem. EAP
id10676 All that he said threw greatly into the shade Cornelius Agrippa, Albertus Magnus, and Paracelsus, the lords of my imagination; but by some fatality the overthrow of these men disinclined me to pursue my accustomed studies. MWS
id03833 The ex queen gives me Idris; Adrian is totally unfitted to succeed to the earldom, and that earldom in my hands becomes a kingdom. MWS
id16135 The pupils, too, upon any accession or diminution of light, underwent contraction or dilation, just such as is observed in the feline tribe. EAP
id19878 "Keep up the largest branch the one on this side," said Legrand. EAP
id25019 And quivering awhile among the draperies of the room, it at length rested in full view upon the surface of the door of brass. EAP
id18067 Maternal affection had not rendered Idris selfish; at the beginning of our calamity she had, with thoughtless enthusiasm, devoted herself to the care of the sick and helpless. MWS
id23088 He came like a protecting spirit to the poor girl, who committed herself to his care; and after the interment of his friend he conducted her to Geneva and placed her under the protection of a relation. MWS
id06172 I had expected some extravagant proposition, and remained silent awhile, collecting my thoughts that I might the better combat her fanciful scheme. MWS